Capitol Security Enhancements
In an effort to keep the general public, state employees and members of the General Assembly safe while in the State Capitol, the State of Missouri implemented security enhancements at the State Capitol Building on Jan. 10, 2017. Security continues to be assessed and adjusted in order to provide a safe environment.
General Public
As of January 2022, the general public is able to access the Capitol Building through:
- South Carriage Tunnel Entrance: Normal Business Hours on Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. – 5 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m. (This entrance faces High Street.)
- East Basement Door: When business of the General Assembly is being conducted in the Capitol after 5 p.m., the general public is able to be screened and enter through the East Basement Door.
- ADA Access Point: South Carriage Tunnel Entrance during normal business hours. (The East Basement Door is an ADA access point to enter and exit the building after normal business hours.)
Entrances are staffed by Missouri Capitol Police utilizing both magnetometers and X-ray conveyors for security screening. These public entrances are also used by contract employees, special guests, members of the media and lobbyists without electronic proximity cards who are subject to screening.

State Employees
Employees who work in the Capitol Building and those with regular business in the Capitol may be issued electronic key card credentials (proximity cards). They may enter secure entrances without being subject to search at the following entrances:
- West Basement - located by the Capitol cafeteria, facing Broadway Street
- Carriage East and Carriage West First Floor Doors – located on the south side of the Capitol beside the South Carriage Tunnel Entrance facing High Street.
- South Carriage Tunnel – proximity card readers are located on the X-ray machines. State employees entering at this checkpoint may use their proximity cards on this reader to verify current employment.
School Groups
School groups will enter through the South Carriage Tunnel Entrance. Only children who are not yet in high school and not carrying backpacks, satchels, etc., will be allowed to bypass searches. Teachers, school staff and chaperones are subject to search and screening.
State and federal law enforcement officers, peace officers, probation and parole officers, wardens and superintendents of prisons or penitentiaries, members of the armed forces and National Guard, persons vested with judicial authority by the state or federal court must use the South Carriage Tunnel Entrance or the East Basement Door and credentials will be verified by a law enforcement officer.
Those with a valid conceal and carry firearms permit must use the South Carriage Tunnel public entrance and be in possession both of their permit and valid photo identification. Conceal and carry permit holders are not allowed to carry concealed firearms on the chamber floor of either the House or Senate, in the House or Senate galleries, or any legislative meeting rooms. This policy is in accordance with Chapter 571 of the Missouri Revised Statutes.
Persons who do not meet the above qualifications may not enter the Capitol Building with a firearm. Persons in legal possession of a firearm but who do not meet the above qualifications will be asked to return the firearm to a secure location in their vehicle prior to entering the Capitol.
Delivery drivers who are not state employees are not permitted to drive into the Capitol basement. Delivery personnel will be required to unload outside the East Basement garage area. Personnel and items will be subject to search by a law enforcement officer. Deliveries will also be permitted at the South Carriage Tunnel entrance, subject to search.
Prohibited Items
Unless authorized, firearms and weapons of any kind, including any knife with a blade exceeding four inches and any type of explosive device, are prohibited. Anything illegal to possess under Missouri law may be seized and retained as evidence in a criminal prosecution.
Unauthorized items are detailed in 1 CSR 35-1.050 Public Use of State Facilities.